2024 IN-73 Lake Michigan
Welcome back for another good year; we are going to up the anty to 100.00 entry fee and 100.00 side pot. Side pot is 100% paid back. There will be a 3 place winner 10 boats or more. There will be a 2 place winner up to 9 boats.
Please keep an eye on this page as I will post cancellations on tournament dates and make up dates .
If there is a cancellation i will try to post no later than Friday,
Cant wait to see you all soon, excited for the new season.
Tight lines everyone
I will have membership forms at the ramp if needed. Please also try and have correct change for membership which is $30.00 per person and tourament fee that is $75.00 per team.
1. The pre tournament meeting will be done on the water
2. Your boat # will be drawn when you check in and paid the fee for tournament
Looking forward to get the season started, and stay safe.