Sullivan Lake Fall Division
2025 Sullivan Lake Fall Division
**Remember that the Fall Division is the start of the 2026 Season and new memberships are required. It would be a big help if you could go online and print out the membership form and have it filled out before the day of the tournament. If not we will have membership forms at the ramp.**
Entry Fee:
All tournaments this season will be Double points/Double Money.
Double Points/Double Money: $120 Entry Fee
Important Tournament Rules:
- Tournament Registration, livewell check and weigh in will be done at the top of the hill under the shelter house. Registration will close 15 mins before the start of the tournament.
- Registration/Weigh-in location: Sullivan Lake Main Ramp
- Take off positions: First (20) take off positions will be determined by a drawing at registration. After the first 20 boats are registered it will be done by sign up.
- Late weigh-in penalties: A deduction of 1 lb per minute of your total weight for every minute you are late to weigh-in. Any team that shows up 15 minutes or more late to weigh in will be disqualified.
- Dead Fish Penalty: For each dead fish a 1/2lb penalty will be deducted from your total weight.
If there are any questions/concerns please feel free to contact Bill or Matt.
Thank you and looking forward to a great season!!!