7th Place 3/22/09 Hess & Robbins

6th Place 3/22/09 Campisano & Campisano

5th Place 3/22/09 Bratcher & Willoughby

4th Place 3/22/09 Morrison & Beaudrie

3rd Place 3/22/09 Beauchamp & Long

2nd Place 3/22/09 Meredith & Skaggs

1st Place 3/22/09 Applegate & Cardwell

6th Place 4/5/09 Sutliff/Sutliff

5th Place 4/5/09 Comley/Crabtree

4th Place 4/5/09 Godby/Butler

3rd Place 4/5/09 and 1st B.F. Gray/Waugh

2nd Place 4/5/09 Rigon/Humphrey

1st and 2nd B.F. Bratcher/Willoughby Tracker winners

Beauchamp/Long 1st 4/26/09

Brooks/Deacon 2nd & 2nd B.F. 4/26/09

Filburn/Filburn 3rd 4/26/09

Summitt/Summitt 4th 4/26/09

Larry Skaggs 5th & 1st B.F. 4/26/09

2nd Big Fish 5/31/09 Lashley/Cornett

5th Place 5/31/09 Campisano's

4th Place Coleman/Brown

3rd Place Jeff Reed

2nd Place Godby/Butler

1st Place Brad Langdon

1st & 2nd B.F. Beauchamp/Long 6/14/09

2nd Langdon/Childress 6/14/09

3rd Coleman/Brown 6/14/09

4th Willougby?Bratcher 6/14/09

5th Meredith/Kiper 6/14/09

1st B.F. Brooks/Deacon

End of Year Big Fish Skaggs/Meredith 6/14/09

1st Larry Skaggs/Johnny Brooks 3-21-2010

1st place Beauchamp and Long with 12.01
There was a tie for Big fish Sutliff and Sutliff 4.99lbs
Stencel and Stencel had the other 4.99lb

2nd place Buckingham and Dickerson

1st place Beauchamp and Long

3/27/2011 1st place with 17.24 Jimmy Parrett

3/27/2011 2nd place with 17.05 Beauchamp and Long

3/27/2011 3rd place with 13.27 Freeman and Weber